The Way to Fuel • 27/12/2023
The five top exercises for sports performance
The five top exercises for sports performance

Achieving peak sports performance requires a well-rounded training regimen that targets various aspects of physical fitness. Incorporating the right exercises can significantly enhance your strength, speed, agility, and overall athletic ability. Here are the top five exercises recommended by Gwen Gothard, Musashi’s Sports Performance Nutritionist.


The squat is a fundamental compound movement that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Incorporating variations such as front squats, back squats, and overhead squats can improve lower body strength, stability, and power. A strong foundation in squatting movements translates to better agility, speed, and explosiveness.


Deadlifts have an outstanding ability to target the posterior chain, comprising the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. The exercise not only develops strength but also enhances athletes’ ability to generate force from the ground, leading to powerful movements, crucial in sports requiring explosive actions like sprinting, jumping and change of direction.

Olympic lifts (clean and snatch)

Olympic lifts, such as the clean and snatch, are dynamic, full-body exercises that demand coordination, speed, and explosive power. These lifts engage the entire kinetic chain – involving various body segments, such as the feet, legs, hips, torso and upper body. Integrating Olympic lifts into a training regimen can enhance an athlete’s ability to generate force, coordination, and overall strength.


Plyometric exercises, including box jumps, depth jumps, and bounding, focus on developing fast-twitch muscle fibres. These exercises enhance an athlete’s ability to produce maximum force in minimal time, contributing to improved speed and agility. Plyometrics are particularly beneficial for sports that involve frequent burst of acceleration, deceleration, and rapid changes in direction.

Core exercises

A strong core is the foundation for athletic performance. Core exercises, including planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball throws, help stabilise the spine, improve balance, and facilitate the effective transfer of power between the upper and lower body. A robust core is essential for sports like golf, basketball, cricket, boxing, and martial arts, where rotational movements are prevalent.
Incorporating these top five exercise into your training routine can significantly elevate your sports performance. Remember to prioritise proper form, gradually increasing intensity, and tailor your workouts to your specific sport. A well-rounded approach that addresses strength power, agility, and core stability will not only enhance your athletic abilities but also reduce the risk of injuries, ensuring you stay on top of your game.


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